Bringing you the views of 2,773,079 people taken from 9,402 Healthwatch publications about health and care services.
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Displaying 1101 - 1150 of 8222 Results can be sorted by clicking on column titles
Title Healthwatch Number of people who shared their views Publication date
Enter and view: St Leonard's Hospital Healthwatch Hackney 0
Insights on Care Home MDT Healthwatch Waltham Forest 8
The experience of health, care and community services – July to September Healthwatch Harrow 534
GP Patient experience October 2022 to September 2023 Healthwatch Harrow 352
Population Health Management: Pre-Frailty Healthwatch Barking And Dagenham 0
Q1 Patient experience report: April to June 2023 Healthwatch Hounslow 1461
Enter and view: the Willows Nursing and Residential Home Healthwatch Leicester, Healthwatch Leicestershire
Mental health and autism: Falling between the gaps Healthwatch Wiltshire 54
Voice of LGBTQIA+ Luton residents (Denny Engagement Report) Healthwatch Luton 52
Carers’ Views and Experiences of Accessing Support from their GP Practice Healthwatch Hertfordshire 622
Value of voice: diabetes Healthwatch Luton 4
Living with Parkinson's Disease Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent 39
Community Equipment Services Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire 32
Value of voice: men' s health Healthwatch Luton 1
Inequalities in Milton Keynes Healthwatch Milton Keynes 296
Middlesbrough Specialist Drug and Alcohol Services Review Healthwatch Middlesbrough 98
Flexible Family Intervention: independent evaluation Healthwatch Wirral 8
Enter and View: The Tree House Healthwatch Lambeth 6
Enter and View: Gwynneth Morgan Day Centre Healthwatch Wandsworth 18
You Told Us - What have we heard in September? Healthwatch Lancashire 395
What you told us: June 2023 Healthwatch Lancashire 352
Patient Partner Evaluation Healthwatch Norfolk 365
You told Us - What have we heard in August? Healthwatch Lancashire 322
Sheffcare: #SpeakUp project report - exploring the impact of Covid-19 and continued lockdowns on care home residents and their families Healthwatch Sheffield 64
Healthwatch Sandwell Insight Report July 2023 Healthwatch Sandwell
Three Hospitals: Three Weeks: Patient experiences at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Healthwatch Norfolk 383
People’s Experiences of long COVID in Sussex: Qualitative engagement Healthwatch Brighton And Hove, Healthwatch East Sussex, Healthwatch West Sussex 46
Torbay Adult Social Care: Strategy Consultation Feedback Report Healthwatch Torbay 70
Sheffield Foyer: #SpeakUp project report - exploring the barriers to accessing sexual health services and information for homeless young people Healthwatch Sheffield 21
Healthwatch Sandwell Insight Report September 2023 Healthwatch Sandwell 341
Social Prescribing in the Dudley Borough Healthwatch Dudley
Dementia Carers: support for carers of those living with dementia Healthwatch Norfolk 90
What people have told us about community pharmacies in Medway Healthwatch Medway 81
Manor Farm Medical Centre Feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 19
Healthwatch Sandwell Insight Report August 2023 Healthwatch Sandwell
You told us - What have we heard in July? Healthwatch Lancashire 384
Ageing Well: urgent community response review Healthwatch Cornwall 29
How people experience joined up care in Oxfordshire – October 2023 Healthwatch Oxfordshire 38
Participation - the NHS working with people and communities Healthwatch England
Annual report 2022-23 Healthwatch Norfolk 2656
Not the person I used to be: City and Hackney Long Covid deep dive report Healthwatch City of London, Healthwatch Hackney 304
What are we hearing, monitoring and doing - July to September 2023 Healthwatch East Sussex
Improving patient access to urgent and emergency care in Dorset - Why are people confused about what services to use? Healthwatch Dorset 56
You said, we did - September 2023 Healthwatch East Sussex
What we’re hearing about St Luke’s Cancer Centre at Royal Surrey County Hospital – July 2023 Healthwatch Surrey 20
Enter and view: Great Lumley Surgery Healthwatch County Durham 14
Ryecourt Nursing Home Enter and View 2023 Healthwatch Blackpool 4
Enter and view: effectiveness of feedback mechanisms in care homes – Summer 2023 Healthwatch Surrey 135
Making the NHS App accessible Healthwatch Nottingham & Nottinghamshire 24
Enter and view: East London Foundation Trust Mental Health Wards - Connolly Ward Healthwatch Hackney 18