Bringing you the views of 2,772,671 people taken from 9,395 Healthwatch publications about health and care services.
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Displaying 651 - 700 of 8215 Results can be sorted by clicking on column titles
Title Healthwatch Number of people who shared their views Publication date
What do people say about Adult Social Care? Healthwatch Warwickshire
Enter and view: Arden Grange Nursing and Care Home Healthwatch Shropshire 10
Enter and view: UHCW: Ward 42 Healthwatch Coventry 15
Women's health South Tees Healthwatch Middlesbrough, Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland 170
Young people and self harm Healthwatch Solihull 72
Hartington and Radbourne Units: Experiences of mental health inpatients Healthwatch Derbyshire 72
Enter and view: Roden Hall Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin 20
If you were using a communication aid and motorised wheelchair how easy would it be to attend a hospital appointment at Hawkhurst Community Hospital? Healthwatch Kent 0
The cost of living Healthwatch Salford 76
West Yorkshire Insight Briefing - Hospital Care Healthwatch Bradford, Healthwatch Calderdale, Healthwatch Kirklees, Healthwatch Leeds, Healthwatch Wakefield 37
Enter and view: UHCW, Ward 43 Healthwatch Coventry 22
Parents' Wellbeing and Special Educational Needs and Disability Support Healthwatch Kent 26
Enter and view: Blakesley House Healthwatch Ealing 13
Enter and view: Threen House Healthwatch Ealing 25
Snapshot Intelligence Report on GP practices Healthwatch Bolton 44
Electronic Referral Optimisation System Healthwatch Kent 104
Enter and view analysis of visits to specific places of support services related to diabetes Healthwatch Sandwell 90
GP access in Shropshire Healthwatch Shropshire
Q2 Patient experience Report Healthwatch Ealing 1327
Accessible Information Standard Healthwatch Walsall 61
GP Access in Liverpool " a good service when you can get it" Healthwatch Liverpool 225
Melton Constable Surgery Feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 11
East Harling and Kenninghall Surgery feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 21
Enter and view: Garstang Medical Practice Healthwatch Lancashire 14
Enter and view: St James Medical Centre Healthwatch Lancashire 23
Olive House Feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 18
East Harling Surgery feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 34
Enter and view: Colne Road Surgery Healthwatch Lancashire 12
East Harling and Kenninghall Surgery feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 16
Enter and view: Eldonian House Care Home Healthwatch Liverpool
Enter and view: Roslea Surgery Preston Healthwatch Lancashire 17
Enter and view: Peel House Medical Practice Healthwatch Lancashire 39
You told us: what have we heard in February? Healthwatch Lancashire 213
Wells Health Centre Feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 14
Core20PLUS - Community Connectors Hypertension Report Healthwatch Barnet 967
Harrow, GP Services Healthwatch Harrow 1341
Enter and view: Preston Healthport Diagnostic Centre Healthwatch Lancashire 20
Hoveton and Wroxham Medical Centre Feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 13
Enter and view: Redford Court Healthwatch Liverpool 9
You told us: what have we heard in January? Healthwatch Lancashire 256
Roundwell Medical Centre feedback Healthwatch Norfolk 15
What's the script? M20 Healthwatch Manchester 0
Unpaid carers' experience of general practice Healthwatch Southend 52
Improving access to GPs in Wolverhampton: An evaluation of phone and website booking systems Healthwatch Wolverhampton 51
Primary Care Network Support Patient Experience April - December 2023 Healthwatch Bromley 424
Supporting the improvement of quality care at BHRUT: Ash Ward Healthwatch Redbridge 10
Monthly feedback report: March 2024 Healthwatch Greenwich 459
Enter and View: Goodman's Field Medical Practice Healthwatch Tower Hamlets 23
Hospital discharge - What happens when they come out? Healthwatch Lambeth 18
Continuing healthcare Healthwatch Lambeth 8