Your views about Dental Services
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During April to June 2015, over one third of the enquiries Healthwatch Leicestershire received were in relation to accessing dental services. There data tells them that many patients struggle to find and access NHS dental provision and that they have difficulty understanding dental charges. Healthwatch Leicestershire decided to gather more data so that we could gain a deeper understanding of public opinion.
The aim was to allow local people to quickly share their opinions and experiences of dental services across Leicestershire. They heard from 260 people via online and postal surveys and face-to-face engagement.
The majority of respondents told them that the service they received from their dentist was very good. However many often struggled to find an NHS dentist. Many people struggle to find and access an NHS dentist locally; in some cases patients are travelling over 10 miles to receive NHS treatment. Those who do find provision are often advised that they will be placed on a waiting list or off offered a private appointment. Many patients told Healthwatch Leicestershire that they switched from a private to an NHS dentist due to cost. Elderly patients told Healthwatch Leicestershire that they found treatment to be expensive. Almost half (40%) the people that they heard from were not entirely confident in understanding their charges and entitlements. In some cases patients would pay twice for the same treatment. There is a need for clearer communication so that patients can easily understand treatment price bands and what they are entitled to. The majority of patients that Healthwatch Leicestershire heard from were happy with the care and treatment that they receive from their dental practice. Many have had very good experiences and have built a good relationship with their dentist. There are others that have had very bad experiences causing them to change practice due to lack of confidence with their dental practice.