Your experience of the covid 19 vaccination programme
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In March 2021, Healthwatch Sunderland and Healthwatch South Tyneside launched a survey to gather people’s general experiences of using their local COVID-19 vaccination programme. This report covers those patients who had used either a Sunderland based vaccine centre or are a resident of Sunderland and responded to the survey between the 30th March and 30th April 2021. They received a total of 163 surveys.
Most respondents received the invitation for both their first and second vaccine appointment either through their place of work or via a text message. Overall, many respondents found booking both their first and second vaccine either very easy or fairly easy. Those who rated it as difficult, in the main, commented on difficulties of finding available booking slots for both their first and second vaccine, when booking in their own appointments via the online system.
Most respondents found getting to the venue for their vaccine either very easy or easy. A minority of respondents had difficulty getting to their vaccination venue because it was either out of their local area and were therefore unfamiliar with the location or because they found the Nightingale Vaccination Centre difficult to find, due roadworks in the area and/or poor signposting.
Most people felt safe in the venue whilst receiving their vaccine, received a vaccination card after their first and/or second vaccine, were informed of potential side effects and informed of which vaccine they were receiving. Most respondents received an information leaflet to take away with them and found the information contained very useful or useful.
Half of respondents did not know when they would receive their second vaccination. However, of these individuals, 70% stated 4 that it had been explained to them what would happen when it was time for their second vaccine.
Respondents were very positive about their overall vaccine experience with many thanking the staff and the volunteers involved and the how well organised and efficient the programme was working. The few negative comments received, in the main were related to the online booking system and the frustrations of obtaining an appointment for both their first and second vaccine.