Wheelchair services in South Hampshire
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Healthwatch Hampshire became increasingly aware of issues with the Hampshire Wheelchair Service through its outreach and engagement work in late 2014.
Healthwatch Hampshire’s work on wheelchair services culminated in a public meeting on Friday 18th December 2015. This report outlines the main points raised at the meeting and identifies ways of moving forwards to improve service safety and quality as well as involving users and carers in the commission-ing and development of the service. This meeting took place on 18th December 2015.
Representatives from West Hampshire CCG and Millbrook Healthcare were present at the meeting to answer questions from the public.
The following recommendations were made as a result of this meeting:
Waiting times, in particular reduction in delays in assessment and equipment handover. Service users should be provided with clear information on when they can expect their referral to be actioned and kept informed of the progress with their referral.
In light of concerns raised at the public meeting the service provider’s safeguarding procedures should be reviewed. It is also Healthwatch’s view that all staff providing the service should hold an up to date DBS check, not just those working with children.
A user engagement forum be set-up to involve users and carers in the commissioning and development of all elements of the service. Engagement Plan. Healthwatch would recommend the publication of Millbrook’s public engagement plan.
Healthwatch would welcome clarity on funding for the service.
The CCG and Millbrook Healthcare provoded responses to the recommendations clarifying some points and accepting to make some changes.