What do Barnsley people know about Adult Safeguarding?
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Healthwatch Barnsley had been given funding by Barnsley Safeguarding Board to increase safeguarding referrals to the Board. As part of this work, they wanted to gain a deeper understanding of what adult safeguarding means to local people. They undertook a short survey to which 71 people responded.
Most had a good understanding of what the term "adult safeguarding meant". Nine people didn't know and 30% thought it only affected vulnerable adults.
Three quarters felt that Healthwatch Barnsley's definition was clear and easy to understand.
Nearly seven in ten didn't know what Barnsley Safeguarding Adults Board was and what they did.
Almost half said they knew where to get help if they were worried about an adult being abused or neglected.
Most people felt confident at recognising abuse in the first instance and they feel if they reported a safeguarding concern they would be listened to and that the person they were concerned about would get the appropriate help and support. People were less confident in services only becoming involved as much as necessary and that different organisations would work in partnership to ensure the person had all the help and support they needed.
The report includes four recommendations.