Walking in their shoes
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Healthwatch Wigan and Leigh conducted research to understand resident’s experiences with mental health services provided by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust (GMMH). The report includes feedback from over 130 people, collected during 61 engagement sessions.
The research identified issues with: lack of involvement in care planning; discharge planning; the referrals process; awareness of advocacy services; patient safety; review panels; behaviour and communication of agency staff; lack of patient and staff engagement; lack of opportunity to provide feedback; and privacy and dignity. Patients also recognised and acknowledged the challenges faced by healthcare professionals, and praised the staff within the mental health services.
The report included 15 recommendations: review the existing process and tools used to gather feedback from patients, carers, and relatives about their experiences; staff to undergo thorough training emphasising the significance of engaging patients and the public in all aspects of their work; actively involve the patient/carer in the care plan process and ensure a copy of the care plan is given to the patient in a timely manner; carry out regular audits to monitor care plans; improve communication and coordination between health and social care providers and patients/carers regarding discharge planning and ongoing support services; offer patients a referral to the Independent Mental Health Advocate in an appropriate timely manner; improve awareness among staff about the availability and importance of advocacy services; review the safety of patients on the ward (particularly around patient conflicts and presence of drugs); consider a redesign of the patient reviews; implement better oversight and training of agency staff to ensure they adhere to professional standards and provide safe good quality of care and support; improve staff-patient interactions; audit the recovery teams organised /planned visits to patients; co-produce with patients the coordinated schedule of activities; explain to individuals how they might be observed when taking showers or in the 136 suite; and establish patient champions.
The findings were shared with Wigan Greater Manchester Mental Health, who are in the process of implementing the recommendations.