Views and experiences of people accessing drug and alcohol services
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Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees worked in partnership with the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board on research which would inform plans to improve support for family, carers, and service users of drug and alcohol services based on service user feedback gathered. They undertook three surveys from October 2023 until February 2024. They reached a total of 226 people.
It was clear from all feedback received that people felt they would benefit from having more choice and control. Additional service providers would be welcomed, offering a collaborative approach to recovery that ensures a person-centred approach to care planning.
Peer support would be beneficial to help to build trusting relationships, advocate on behalf of service users and support with professional development. Substance misuse leads to chaotic lifestyles, people need help to navigate the system and actively engage and access appointments.
The need for out-of-hours services was consistently raised as being essential, along with having services in various locations throughout Stockton-on-Tees, to help to alleviate stigma and support people through their recovery journey. Families and friends described wanting to better understand how they can support their loved ones and the importance of wraparound services; a multi-agency approach was seen as a much-needed change to current service provision.