Quarter 2 Patient Experience Report 2022-23
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Healthwatch Bromley report on their feedback in Q2 2022/23. During this period the Patient Experience Programme received 600 feedback comments.
Hospitals received the largest number of reviews this quarter (173) and the feedback from patients was overall very good. Healthwatch also received a significantly larger number of reviews this quarter in comparison to Q1 (88).
The feedback reveals a high satisfaction with Staff Attitudes, Quality of Care/Treatment, Cleanliness, Hygiene & Infection Control and Appointments. The main concern identified is long Waiting Times, which was also identified in the Q1 report (April – June 2022) and the Q4 report (January – March 2021), so there is still room for improvement.
Healthwatch also received feedback that indicates a number of people are dissatisfied with Parking facilities at hospitals.
GP services received the second highest number of reviews this quarter. In comparison to Q1, the positive reviews have gone up by over 10% (58%). This indicates people have been more satisfied with their experience visiting a GP practice over the past three months. The majority of service users were satisfied with Staff Attitudes, Quality of Care/Treatment, and Cleanliness, Hygiene and Infection Control and Waiting Times.
Appointments and Waiting Times have improved since the previous quarterly report which shows signs of improvement.
The main area that suggests room for improvement is Communication, with only 40% of reviews being positive.
Dentists received the third highest number of reviews this quarter (123).The majority of service users found dentists to be excellent. Feedback showed high satisfaction across all themes; Quality of Care/Treatment, Staff Attitudes, Communication, Appointments, Information, Advice & Guidance, Service Co-Ordination, and Cleanliness, Hygiene & Infection Control.
The negative feedback received was low. This indicates that the majority of dental practices met the needs of their service users with a small scope for improvement in Appointments, Communication and Staff Attitudes.
Healthwatch also received a high number of positive reviews for Pharmacy, COVID-19, and Opticians. They were able to speak to multiple residents and hear about their experience of having vaccinations. They also visited mental health services in September and managed to gather patient experience feedback that was equally positive and negative.