Pharmacy First: the views and experiences of Derbyshire residents
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This report is by Healthwatch Derbyshire. The report looks at peoples experiences of Pharmacy First, an expansion of the conditions people can visit pharmacies for nationally, without needing to see their GP first.
Between July and October 2024, a survey was used to collect the views and experiences of 220 people on Pharmacy First.
Key findings
The main reason people said they would consider using Pharmacy First is because pharmacies are easy and quick to access. However, people had a wide range of views across the seven common health conditions that Pharmacy First can help with:
• 80% of people said they would consider using Pharmacy First for sinusitis (swollen nasal passages for people aged over 12).
• 44% said they would consider using Pharmacy First for earache in children aged 1-17 years, for a family member or someone they cared for.
• Concerns were raised about accessing Pharmacy First for shingles.
• Some parents said they would prefer to see their GP for health issues with their children.
• Some people with existing health conditions said they preferred to continue to see their GP about health issues.
Key Positive Feedback
• People had a high opinion of pharmacies and their staff. They said they were knowledgeable and approachable. They appreciated the service they offered including the convenience of locations and opening times
• Many people said they already use pharmacies for health advice and wanted to support the appropriate use of health services, reducing pressure on General Practice and urgent/emergency care.
Key Issues
• There is a need to improve communication and awareness of Pharmacy First. Providing easy to understand information on the conditions that are covered by the service could help.
• It may be important to highlight the benefits of Pharmacy First to Derbyshire residents and the wider healthcare system. This could ensure more people get the right care at the right time.
• Looking at our survey results based on demographic data we received; it could also be important to target promotion to increase awareness and use of Pharmacy First with the following people:
o People from a Black and Minority ethnic background
o People under 25 years old
o Men
o Parents with dependent children (under 18)
There are recommendations in this report.
- Promotion of the Pharmacy First service
- Promoting the benefits of the Pharmacy First service
- Promote how people can feedback on the Pharmacy First service
- Increasing awareness of private spaces
There are no follow up actions in this report.