Pharmacy closures in England
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Healthwatch England sent a Freedom of Information (FoI) request to all 42 Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in England to investigate the issue of pharmacy closures. Between 1 January and 31 December 2023, they found that:
- 436 pharmacies closed permanently in England. This amounts to more than eight pharmacies closing every week.
- There is significant variation in the rate of permanent pharmacy closures. At the lower end, some ICBs saw only 1% of their pharmacies close permanently, while at the upper end, one ICB saw 11% of its pharmacies close permanently.
- 13,863 instances of temporary closure were recorded. 46,823 hours were lost to temporary closure, the equivalent of 5,852 standard pharmacy working days.
- At the ICB level, the number of hours of temporary closure ranged from 0.42 hours per pharmacy to 17.48 hours per pharmacy.
- The main reason for temporary pharmacy closures across England is a lack of available staff.
- Higher rates of both permanent and temporary closure were recorded in areas that were rural, had older populations, and had fewer GPs per head.
To reduce the impact of pharmacy closures on pharmacy users, Healthwatch England recommends:
- Cross-system work to ensure patients are better notified of pharmacy closures and that pharmacy teams have enacted improved contingency plans.
- A national evaluation to consider issues facing pharmacy, including workforce, funding, data, and estates