People’s experiences of health and social care services in Devon - April - June 2017
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Since Healthwatch Devon was introduced in 2013, thousands of people have shared their views and experiences with us in relation to their local health and social care services. During the period 01 April – 30 June 2017, we engaged with more than 1,450 people. This engagement was through Healthwatch Devon consumer champion work, events, and activities and through project works and surveys.
Included in this figure is the 77 people who used Healthwatch Devon feedback form to have their say and share their experiences. The information on the following pages is a summary of these patient stories that have been shared with Healthwatch Devon. The report does not include recommendations but is based on unprompted feedback from Devon residents and is intended to make the views of local people known to managers of health and care services and make them aware of the things that matter to patients, their friends, family, and carers.
The information about the advice line calls, of which there were 300 during this quarter, are provided by Citizens Advice, Healthwatch Devon delivery partner who run this service.