North Cumbria Co-production survey: report

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Summary of report content

This is a report by Healthwatch Cumberland and Healthwatch Westmorland & Furness. The project gathered local people's opinions on coproduction.

A survey was created aimed at both members of the community as well as organisations in the area, with the purpose of gathering 

people’s thoughts. A total of 62 people responded to the survey.

Key findings include:

• People understand that co-production is about different people/groups working collectively, however, many do not know that is specifically about service providers collaborating with service users.

• While many people have not been involved in co-production with public bodies, such as the NHS or Local Authorities, previously. There appears to be a desire amongst individuals to be involved in future development and improvement of services. 

• However, most people admitted that they do not know how to get involved in co-production even though they would like to. 

• Of those who have been involved in co-production before, roughly 2 in 3 were informed about what happened after the consultation. But this does mean that a notable amount of people were not informed of the results following their contribution.

• This can have a significant impact, as for some of those who have been involved in co-production before, feel that it was not worthwhile as they have not been informed of or witnessed any improvement/outcomes. 

• Most importantly, from the responses it was evident that people felt that communicating changes to services is essential, especially when coproduction is involved. With the most popular communication method suggested being via email updates. 

There are recommendations in this report.

1. Raise awareness of what co-production is, who it involves and how it can be done.

2. Organisations to improve how they are advertising their co-production offers (particularly around how people can get involved). 

3. Organisations to develop a process to enable them to commit to informing everyone involved directly in the co-production process of the results, impact and outcomes. 

4. Creation of a communication tool/checklist, which ensures that any changes in services are effectively and widely shared.

There are no follow up actions in this report. However there a coproduction event for a later date is mentioned.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Cumberland
Healthwatch Westmorland and Furness
Publication date
Key themes
Consent, choice, user involvement and being listened to

Methodology and approach

Primary research method used

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
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