Menopause matters
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Healthwatch Rochdale undertook a survey on experience of the menopause and perimenopause to understand how it affected people and what information and support they needed. They undertook a survey of 135 people and spoke to 7 people in greater depth.
The majority of people they spoke to were not aware that some of the symptoms they were experiencing were due to perimenopause/menopause. People said they were aware of some of their perimenopause/menopause symptoms but not others, and some were not aware of the treatments available to them, more specifically Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
People felt there was a lack of information around perimenopause/menopause. People told us they were unaware of the signs & symptoms, and some felt health professionals had a lack of knowledge around symptoms and treatments such as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
Some felt there was a lack of support available. The majority of people accessed traditional health services, but some felt they weren’t supported or listened to, and that advice & support given was not personalised or health professionals were dismissive. A small number accessed support groups & social prescribers but none accessed a well woman clinic.
The report contains four recommendations on information, working practices, training for GPs and for each Primary Care Network area to have a menopause expert.