GP extended access survey

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Summary of report content

Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham, Healthwatch City of London, Healthwatch Hackney, Healthwatch Havering, Healthwatch Newham Healthwatch Redbridge, Healthwatch Tower Hamlets and Healthwatch Waltham Forest undertook a survey about people’s experiences of GP extended hours.  37,957 people took part.

Most patients in North East London live within 15 minutes of their GP. People from ethnic minority backgrounds, especially those of Black ethnicities, are slightly more likely than average to live further away from their GP.

Most patients (64%) would want to travel less than 30 minutes to get a GP appointment; while slightly over half said they would prefer to travel less than two miles, travel time and factors such as parking and public transport links are more important than geographical distance.

Provision of face to face appointments is important for local people; with 67% preferring face-to-face appointments to remote ones. When it comes to having remote appointments, slightly more people preferred telephone calls to video calls. People aged 25 to 36 were more likely to prefer video calls.

Nearly half of respondents specifically needed in-person appointments within their local area; while the other half were more flexible; either in terms of willingness to travel or to have remote appointments.

Evening appointments were more popular than weekend or morning ones. Urgent same-day appointments were the most important service for out-of-hours access, followed by routine booked GP appointments.

While most patients would prefer to access all services of a GP surgeries as needed out of hours, GP availability should be prioritised over other services and professionals. A majority of patients prioritised seeing a GP quickly over seeing a specific GP; although consistency may be more important for older and disabled people. 

Slightly more people prefer booking appointments by telephone, but a large minority prefer booking them online, particularly those aged 25 to 36.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Barking And Dagenham
Healthwatch City of London
Healthwatch Waltham Forest
Healthwatch Tower Hamlets
Healthwatch Hackney
Healthwatch Havering
Healthwatch Newham
Healthwatch Redbridge
Publication date
Key themes
Access to services
Booking appointments
Consent, choice, user involvement and being listened to
Parking and transport
Remote appointments and digital services
Waiting for appointments or treatment; waiting lists for treatment

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Primary research method used
If an Enter and View methodology was applied, was the visit announced or unannounced?

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
General Practice (GP)

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
18 to 24 years
25 to 49 years
50 to 64 years
65 to 79 years
80+ years
Asian / Asian British: Bangladeshi
Asian / Asian British: Chinese
Asian / Asian British: Indian
Asian / Asian British: Pakistani
Asian / Asian British: Any other Asian / Asian British background
Black / Black British: African
Black / Black British: Caribbean
Black / Black British: Any other Black / Black British background
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Asian and White
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Black African and White
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Black Caribbean and White
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups background
White: British / English / Northern Irish / Scottish / Welsh
White: Irish
White: Gypsy, Traveller or Irish Traveller
White: Roma
White: Any other White background
Any other ethnic group
Sexual orientation
Gay men
Heterosexual / Straight
Lesbians / Gay women
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