Feedback on Posture and Mobility Services provided by Opcare
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Healthwatch Calderdale and Healthwatch Kirklees decided to explore the quality of services provided by Opcare, a company which had been commissioned by the NHS to provide wheelchair services after hearing public feedback that the service wasn't working well for disabled children and young people. During March and April 2017, Healthwatch facilitated focus groups for parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities. They spoke to 91 parents and service users.
The research found five key service gaps:
- Opcare doesn't routinely offer assessments to children and young people
- There were very long waiting times for service users to be assessed
- Many people were unhappy with the repairs service
- People wanted to be provided with clear, accurate information and they wanted to be heard
- The equipment provided wasn't suitable.
They also identified where the service was working well:
- The speed and efficiency of the repairs service and technical staff
- Face to face interactions with Opcare staff went well
- A few people were happy with the process for getting a new wheelchair
- Complaining led to a better service