Experiences of NHS dental care
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This report presents the findings of the dental experiences survey, that Healthwatch Norfolk created, in order to gain a greater understanding of the perspectives of local people in regards to NHS dentistry. This report will help inform the Dental Summit that Healthwatch Norfolk is hosting this September where people can further share their experiences of dental care in the region. Its relevance has increased in light of the recent introduction of the Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board’s Long Term Dental Plan 2024-2029, which sets out to improve dental care in the region. They spoke to 221 people via a survey.
From the analysis, it became apparent that access to both emergency and non-emergency NHS dental services were extremely limited within the county, with 76.5% of adults stating that they had been unable to get a non-emergency dental appointment, while 48% of those trying to arrange an emergency appointment were also unable to do so. Of those who did receive an emergency appointment, half of respondents were given confirmation of an appointment at least five days after their initial enquiry. Many participants expressed that their NHS dentist had recently switched to practicing privately and they had not been able to find a suitable alternative since, with many people citing the cost of private dental care and the lack of NHS dentists in the region as reasons for them not being able to do so.
There was also concern regarding the number of participants who had expressed resorting to self-dentistry due to their dental issues becoming so serious that they had no other option but to do so, in light of not being able to access NHS dental care.
Based on the findings of this report, Healthwatch Norfolk recommended that the accessibility of NHS Dentistry is prioritised in the region, in terms of both emergency and non-emergency appointments. It also raised the point of special thought being given to both children, and those who are vulnerable in terms of their access to NHS dentistry- with a suggestion of better signposting information and an improved homevisit dental service. There was also the suggestion that, in relation to the Norfolk and Waveney ICB’s commitment to an improved out-ofhours dental service, people would be willing to travel within a 60- minute radius to access this service.