The Experience of Health, Care and Community Services
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This is a trends analysis report by Healthwatch Harrow- it is based on the experience of 350 people between July and September 2020 (Q2). Feedback was obtained from a variety of sources, including general engagement and comments posted online.
Overall satisfaction has declined by 6% compared with Q1; the top positive trend suggests that people received good quality, compassionate treatment and care, with good levels of involvement; the top negative trend suggests that communication, administration, ability to book appointments and telephone access have been issues. Trends related to specific services are:
- GP services: Ability to book appointments, administration, support and telephone access are cited as clear negative issues this quarter.
- Dentists: Those returning to their dentists following lockdown report feeling supported and safe. However, some people have not been able to register, or receive treatment.
- Northwick Park Hospital: While people are complimentary about empathy and quality of service, comments suggest a clear lack of support - both on site, and when contacting.
- Wider community: Some people report a lack of support from GP services. Covid-19 has also impacted on social mobility and networking, leaving some people isolated.