Enter and view: The Whiteleaf Centre Amber Ward
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This is an enter and view report by Healthwatch Bucks. Healthwatch representatives visted the Whiteleaf centre - Opal ward to speak to patients there about their experience.
There are recommendations in this report.
- Complete rollout of Oxevision on the ward to offer patients the choice of having sensitive cameras in their bedrooms. This will help staff visually confirm the safety of patients.
- Where possible, night observations should be checked by same-sex corridor/staff e.g. female corridor checked by female staff.
- Update information posters including weekly activity schedules and signposting to wellbeing social groups such as Bucks Mind - Wings in Aylesbury. Also, refresh the Ramadan Fact Sheet yearly, this can be downloaded from the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) website.
- Ensure that adequate provision is made for patients to attend gym sessions upon request.
- Safely display information about ‘You said, we did’ to show changes that have been implemented on the ward because of patient input and involvement.
- Make the comments box more visible, bright signage so patients notice it. Check comments on a regular basis to avoid leaving them unchecked. Seeing comments unchecked in the box could frustrate patients that have completed them.
- Provide a new table tennis net in The Hub so that the table can be used more.
There are follow up actions in this report. The provider has responded with a list of actions.