Enter and view: Rodney House
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Healthwatch Liverpool undertook an enter and view visit to Rodney House Care Home on 17 September 2024.
Healthwatch spent more time at Rodney House than we usually do during Enter and View visits, mostly speaking with members of the management team and with residents. They did not see as much of the home as we usually would during Enter and View visits, e.g. we did not see any of the upper floors, communal bathrooms/ toilets, or an empty room to get more of a ‘feel’ for the building environment. Having over 50 residents with complex needs, some with challenging behaviours is clearly a difficult environment and staff were upfront about this. Rodney House is not a standard ‘care home’, and Healthwatch felt it should not be judged as such.
From what some residents said and what Healthwatch observed, staff at Rodney House seemed dedicated and caring. Management and staff appeared willing to learn and make changes to improve the care they provide. Changes including the focus on permanent staff and more robust record keeping seem to be yielding positives according to staff.
Healthwatch was told that there appeared to be much more continuity in staffing compared to the past. Residents Healthwatch spoke to told us many positive things, as well as some things they felt could be improved. Residents seemed very pleased with the food on offer and seemed to have an excellent relationship with the chef and kitchen team as well.
Healthwatch observed that there were some issues with the building’s condition, and they were told that this is complicated by Rodney House being a listed building, but the home was trying to address this. Healthwatch have since been told by management that they are undergoing a survey to improve the smoking area and fixing leaks and are renovating multiple ensuite rooms. Healthwatch were told the aim is to do it all together, and not have a piecemeal approach.
Healthwatch saw that the standards of cleanliness in some communal areas could be improved such as in the main lounge where the mirror was visibly dirty and the floor underneath the chairs was visibly sticky. They also saw a full black binbag left in a hallway and several wet floor signs left out on dry floors with no cleaners present.
Rodney House is providing care and support for some of the most complex and vulnerable people in Liverpool. Without the work of the staff some of these residents could face multiple negative outcomes with some being homeless or victims of crime before arriving. Rodney House is not a typical care home and staff face challenging situations beyond the norm. There are environmental improvements that could be made, and it is encouraging that management are aware of this and committed improving conditions for all.