Enter and View: The Outpatient Department at Wantage Community Hospital
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Healthwatch Oxfordshire visited the Outpatient Department at Wantage Community Hospital in Oxford, in June 2024. It was part of a series of visits to services within Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Healthwatch Oxfordshire spoke to 1 patient and 9 staff members during their visit.
Key findings
- The hospital was welcoming, accessible and easy to navigate. There is a welcome sign at the main entrance, and at the reception area.
- There is clear directional signage provided from the main road to the car park, guiding individuals to the hospital entrance, However, there was no clear signage indicating the way out.
- The hospital is clean, appears well-managed, and has a quiet atmosphere.
- Patient feedback conveyed appreciation for the interactions, medical care and support provided by the staff, who were described as caring, committed, and approachable.
- There were some leaflets and information materials on display but no translated information available in the main reception or in any other waiting areas.
- There was a poster about Oxford Health’s complaints, comments and compliments process in the reception waiting area but no suggestion box available.
- There was limited parking which causes frustration and inconvenience for both staff members and patients.
- There were no fans or air conditioning system and heating system was outdated and malfunctioning.
- There was no shop or water fountain available for both patients and staff at the hospital.
- To explore options for how to address the parking issues to ensure more spaces are available for both patients and staff.
- To display translated materials.
- Make water coolers available.
- Explore how to repair the malfunctioning heating system.
- Consider having a sensor installed on the main door to save reception staff having to monitor this and patients having to wait to be given access to the building.
The Executive Managing Director of Primary, Community and Dental Care at Oxford Health responded to the report with an action plan drawn up to address the recommendations made, including timescales for each activity.