Enter and view: Helmi House
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Healthwatch Lambeth gather information on people’s experiences of health and social care services and there are times when it is appropriate for Healthwatch Lambeth to see and hear for themselves how services are being delivered: these visits are called ‘Enter and View’, they are not inspections.
Healthwatch Lambeth visited Helmi House on Friday 20 February 2015.
The summary of findings highlighted areas in relation to patient feedback, staff feedback and observation. Healthwatch Lambeth found that most tenants felt safe and appeared satisfied with the care they receive. Helmi House appears to be well managed, with the built environment and the care we observed of good quality. We particularly noted the successful activities programme run by the scheme, and the support provided by the landlord for the various initiatives. This good collaboration with the landlord and, in particular, a shared vision for the communal gardens, seems to deliver substantial social opportunities for tenants. However, we also recognise that some of the residents we spoke to feel lonely and isolated despite the activities programme. Further strategies are needed to ensure that every resident has the information and opportunity to participate in activities and visits that interest them, especially those who are less mobile.
Healthwatch Lambeth recommend that consideration should be given to maximising wheelchair access to the garden. Signs should be identified by a picture graphic as well as words, in line with PLACE guidance. Helmi House staff should review procedures to optimise the safety of tenants in the communal areas. Measures could include providing extra support to tenants who feel anxious about the behaviour of other residents. Helmi House staff should review information dissemination processes for tenant activities and trips to ensure that all residents are provided with timely information about opportunities to participate. Building on the scheme’s existing good practice, the landlord should review and develop its activities engagement strategy, working with the care service to ensure that every resident has the opportunity to participate in activities and visits that interest them, especially those who are less mobile. The manager should explore how residents can be better linked with dental services in the local area, especially for those residents who are less mobile or who are not from the area.