Enter and View: Ferendune Court Care Home
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Healthwatch Oxfordshire visited Ferendune Court Care Home, in Faringdon, in October 2024. They visited the care home as part of a programme of visits to a number of care homes in Oxfordshire to assess the quality of life for residents from the perspectives of residents, care staff, and relatives.
Healthwatch Oxfordshire spoke to five care home residents and eight staff members during their visit.
Key findings
- The care home was calm and welcoming. The corridors were well lit and bright with colourful artwork on the walls. The communal spaces were airy and decorated to a high standard. The home smelt fresh and clean and had a general feeling of being well cared for and maintained.
- There were noticeboards with information about whistleblowing, various support groups and how to report abuse. There was also a ‘meet our team’ board and information on how to give feedback, including how to make a complaint.
- The residents Healthwatch Oxfordshire spoke to liked living at the home. They said there was a range of activities on offer, the food was good, and that the care home was clean and warm, and had lovely communal gardens. They all said they felt safe and well looked after.
- Residents were overwhelmingly positive about the care home staff and management.
- Care home staff praised the supportive management and strong team spirit.
In its report, Healthwatch Oxfordshire recommended that the home:
- Considers empowering their staff by giving them direct access to The Bridge online portal.
- Explores training opportunities with the Community Dental Services for carers and care homes to help support the oral health of residents due to the challenges in accessing dental services.
- Regularly ask residents, especially those with cognitive impairment, if they wish to attend their place of worship or consider asking local clergy to come into the home.
The report includes an email from the manager of the care home setting out how the home will respond to the recommendations made.