Enter and view: Cravenside Home for Older People
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Healthwatch Lancashire conducted an Enter and View visit at Cravenside Home for Older People, a council-owned care home that provides care for the elderly, including people affected by dementia, mental health conditions and physical disability. The purpose of the visit was to observe the service, consider how it may be improved and disseminate good practice.
Enter and View representatives made an announced visit on 24th October 2017. They engaged with 16 residents, seven staff and four relatives. Discussion was structured around four themes: environment, care, nutrition and activities, which were designed to gather information concerning residents overall experience of living at the home. The team also recorded their own observations using a traffic light scale to rate the areas.
The premises, although adequately maintained, is in need of an update and redecoration due to its age. Representatives found the home to be reasonably pleasant and comfortable with staff generally enjoying positive relationships with residents. Representatives also considered that, in terms of the external and internal environment, Cravenside was adequate. However, feedback from respondents in terms of food and menus, was consistently negative and Healthwatch suggested this is addressed by the provider. Similarly, there was significant negative feedback from both residents and staff in respect of staffing levels.
Based on the traffic light ratings, the Enter and View Representatives gave the home an overall Amber rating.
Whilst no specific recommendations were made within the report, the provider has given a detailed response to the comments contained within and has recruited two new permanent chefs.