Enter and view Camden Lodge Care Home
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Healthwatch Enfield gather information on people’s experiences of health and social care services and there are times when it is appropriate for Healthwatch Enfield to see and hear for themselves how services are being delivered: these visits are called ‘Enter and View’, they are not inspections.
Healthwatch Enfield visited Camden Lodge Care Home on 18/05/2018.
The summary of findings highlighted areas in relation to patient feedback, staff feedback and observation. These findings informed, Healthwatch Enfield found that Camden Lodger is a good Care Home, well led with friendly, helpful and kind staff. Overall, the ethnically diverse residents and relatives seemed happy and contented. Healthwatch Enfield observed good quality care being given and residents had choice and flexibility, particularly around eating and drinking, and timings of meals, bed and waking times. There’s also a well-maintained outside area for residents to enjoy a walk and gain some fresh air. However, whilst there are three part-time activity co-ordinators who attend across all seven days of the week, which is to be commended, some residents felt that more outings could be put on for those more able, and more activities for those less mobile. There was also much concern cited around laundry getting mixed up or going missing. We also felt that signage should be provided for the bedroom toilets/bathrooms, and staff attending ‘Falls Prevention’ training or other nonmandatory training, should be formally recorded.
There were 7 recommendations in this report which included areas around the themes of falls prevention, care plans and engagement.