Enter and view: Audiology Department Suite 7
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Healthwatch Derbyshire undertook an announced enter and view visit to the Audiology Department, Suite 7 at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital on 12 November 2024. They wanted to get feedback about a service that they do not hear about regularly. They spoke to 20 patients accessing the service who were positive about the Audiology service and met and spoke to four staff members who spoke positively about the team and environment
Overall, this was a positive visit with both patients and staff speaking well of the service.
On the website there was some inaccurate information. For example, parking payments and details about where the Audiology department is located. Patients, staff and observations on the day said that parking was difficult. However, Chesterfield Royal Hospital does have a good bus service. Further promotion of this would be help patients access the Audiology department.
The overall environment was seen as positive with some patients wanting the reception area to be more interesting.
Overall, the space and service were found to be accessible. Some patients found it a long way from the main entrance to the main hospital. Some signage needs reviewing to ensure the department can be found easily.