Discharge from hospital and follow-up support in Northampton
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Healthwatch Northamptonshire listened to experiences of patients being discharged from the two general hospitals in Northamptonshire; Kettering General Hospital (KGH) and Northampton General Hospital (NGH). The work was undertaken following an NHS England report on Delayed Transfers of Care in 16/17.
Over a three-week period in November/December 2016 they spoke with 89 people on the day of their discharge from hospital, using a structured questionnaire. In March 2017, follow-up interviews were held with 9 of the original participants to hear how they were supported following their discharge.
Key findings highlight the need for discharge planning to begin earlier, greater family/carer involvement, consistency of regular communication, more timely referrals to social care, clearer discharge letters and ensuring medication is ready.
Ten recommendations were made to address the issues arising from the report and both hospitals provided written responses. NGH provided a comprehensive response addressing each recommendation in detail and plans are underway to recruit Discharge Coordinators.