Deep dive report – access to primary care

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Summary of report content

This is a report from Healthwatch Staffordshire. The project aims to take a 'deep dive' into issues around primary care in the local area.

The face of General Practice changed dramatically during the Covid Pandemic, having to adapt very quickly to different ways of working and increased workloads. Working under intense infection control measures, they delivered consultations by a variety of routes including phone, video calls and face to face. They took on responsibility for medical care for local care homes and contributed to the organisation and delivery of the covid vaccinations for their practice populations. For patients that meant access to their GP practice became more difficult and often by remote means as telephone lines were engaged and physical access to the surgeries was severely restricted. Since the ICB has taken on the GP commissioning role it has recognised that general practice is working under intense workload and workforce pressures and is struggling to maintain a service that meets demand. 

As we moved out of the pandemic primary care reported a sizeable increase in workload due partly to pent up demand from the public and a build-up of hospital waiting times for treatment. Surgeries are attempting to meet demand while coping with workforce shortages, low morale and communication systems that are not a fit for purpose.

From a patient perspective the difficulties in getting through to their surgery to secure an appropriate service had got more frustrating and for many has come to be associated with the 8.00 am rush.

The intention of the Deep Dive is to seek the views and experiences of patients around the county and look at what changes are being put in place to improve access to general practice as well as what can be done to reduce the stress in the system on both patients and practices.

Key findings and recommendations included:

1. Wider advertising to bring the public along with the changes in the way patient access is being managed using a variety of media settings considering people’s communication needs and languages with minimal use of jargon.

2. Promotion of the Care Navigation approach with patients so that being asked about the reason for their call by surgery staff is not seen as intrusive and becomes the norm.

3. Further promotion of the NHS App accompanied by some digital awareness training for patients in how to set up and use it to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, send messages to the practice and to access their medical records.

4. Encourage surgery staff to outreach into their communities by attending or organising health and wellbeing events in their catchment area.

5. Encourage Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) and Carers Groups to contribute to the promotion of more patient friendly advice and guidance.

6. Better understanding of people with neurodiversity so that reasonable adjustments can be made to make access better.

7. Promote a brief guide for patients in accessing an appointment with their surgery.

There is a response from the provider to the report.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Staffordshire
Publication date
Key themes
Access to services
Booking appointments
Communication with patients; treatment explanation; verbal advice
Service organisation, delivery, change and closure
Staffing - levels and training
Waiting for appointments or treatment; waiting lists for treatment

Methodology and approach

Primary research method used
General feedback

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
General Practice (GP)
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