Caring during Covid -19: the experiences of unpaid carers in Hampshire

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Summary of report content

In May 2020, Healthwatch Hampshire worked in partnership with three local Healthwatch organisations (Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight) to find out if people had been able to access the information, services and support they needed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey ran until July 2020 and collected people’s experiences of using health and social care services. They spoke to 179 adult carers and 10 young carers’ groups

The main challenges facing carers included:

  • Not being able to have a break
  • Problems getting essential supplies
  • The closure of day services and schools
  • An increase in the time spent caring
  • Difficulty in explaining the pandemic to vulnerable people
  • A lack of recognition and respect
  • Problems accessing health and social care services
  • Not aware of help and support for carers

The pandemic had an impact on carers in the following ways:

  • On their family life and relationships
  • On their mental health
  • On their ability to work
  • On their finances

Young carers had the following problems:

  • Problems engaging with schoolwork
  • Digital exclusion
  • An increase in their caring responsibilities
  • Financial pressures on their family
  • Breakdown in support networks
  • Changes in family relationships and home live
  • Negative impact on their mental health

They found the following helpful:

  • Getting a break
  • Keeping connected with friends, family and peers
  • Support and advice readily available when needed
  • Regular “check in” calls
  • Help getting essentials like food and medication
  • Local community schemes
  • Being able to use technology

What they needed for the future

  • Access to respite and day services
  • Being recognised as a carer by GP surgeries
  • More mental health support
  • Financial recognition for caring roles
  • Joined up services
  • Easy, quick ways to get advice
  • Being aware of what services there are for carers
  • More support before a crisis

The report contains 5 recommendations about access to information, carers assessments, access to community schemes, raising awareness of carers and financial recognition of carers.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Hampshire
Publication date
Date evidence capture began
Date evidence capture finished
Key themes
Access to services
Communication with patients; treatment explanation; verbal advice
Remote appointments and digital services
Lifestyle and wellbeing; wider determinants of health
Written information, guidance and publicity
Caring, kindness, respect and dignity
Service organisation, delivery, change and closure

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Primary research method used
Focus group
If an Enter and View methodology was applied, was the visit announced or unannounced?

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
General Practice (GP)
Day care centre (social care)
Respite Care

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
Not known
Not known
Is the gender identity of people in the report the same as the sex they were assigned at birth?
Not known
Sexual orientation
Not known
Does this report feature carers?
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