Care home life - what it's like! Elizabeth Fleming Care Home
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The ‘Care home life – What it’s really like!’ visit took place on the 5th February 2019 and was carried out by Healthwatch Sunderland staff who are trained so that they can effectively capture the resident’s experience.
At the time of our visit there were 36 residents living in the home. Due to the capacity of the majority of the residents, the Healthwatch Team were only able to support three residents to fully complete the survey and two to partially complete the survey. The team received six staff, five friends and relative surveys back and one from the GP which is aligned to the home.
The main findings were very positive about all of the following indicators of good care:
1. A strong visible management
2. Staff with time and skills to do their jobs
3. Good knowledge of each individual resident and how their needs may be changing
4. A varied programme of activities
5. Quality, choice and flexibility around food and mealtimes
6. Ensuring residents can regularly see health professionals such as GPs, Dentists, Opticians, Chiropodists, Audiologists etc.
7. Accommodate residents’ personal, cultural and lifestyle needs
8. Provide an open environment where feedback is actively sought and used
9. Provide a physical environment which is suitable for the needs of the residents.