Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Strategy
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Healthwatch Warwickshire undertook research on breastfeeding support across the county as they had heard that there was unequal provision. They attended six baby groups and spoke to 66 new parents.
Over four in five breastfed their baby at birth. Over seven in ten were still breastfeeding their baby.
A quarter had received a diagnosis of tongue tie for their baby.
Most feedback about support was positive but many experiences were mixed due to people accessing different services.
Feedback about support in hospital was very positive. In contrast, feedback about support from GPs was negative.
Eight people had accessed services from the private sector or charities.
The six people who had bottle fed their baby from birth got no support for feeding their baby.
People whose previous baby was born during lockdown felt assumptions were made about their knowledge.
People living in South Warwickshire had particular problems accessing support.