A&E Listening Event Whiston Hospital
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This is a report by Healthwatch Halton, Healthwatch Knowsley, and Healthwatch St Helens. The report summarises engagement at the Children’s A&E Department at Whiston Hospital.
The findings are based on analysis of the results of 31 survey responses Healthwatch gathered during our time at the hospital.
Children’s A&E provides a much better experience for parents and children than in the main A&E department.
The area is very clean and offers a pleasant environment for patients, and offers some really good facilities, such as baby rooms, drinks etc.
There are recommendations in this report:
- Review the current system used for parents and children entering the unit as it doesn’t appear to be fit for purpose. The idea of the Children’s A&E should be to spare parents and children the need to use the main A&E area, but they are currently ending up in a queue there.
- The current small A4 sized sign asking patients to sign in at the main A&E and press the buzzer to be let in should be replaced by a larger, clearer sign.
- The Children’s A&E reception area should be staffed at all times.
- Provide an electronic screen within Children’s A&E to display up-todate waiting times and other information similar to the system used in the main A&E area.
- Consider providing a quiet section in the waiting area for children with Autism / ADHD.
- Patient Feedback and Information: To increase patient feedback on the service we suggest that clear information should be on display on how parents / children can give feedback on their experience, i.e. Friends and Family.
There are no follow up actions in this report. The provider has responded.