Accessible information standard part 1
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The Accessible Information Standard was introduced by NHS England to “make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss are provided with information that they can easily read or understand and with support so they can communicate effectively with health and social care services.
This report looks at what local people with sensory and communication impairments in Peterborough have been
saying to us about their experiences over the last eight months. It contains information gathered by Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough after the implementation of the Accessible Information Standard (AIS).
A survey was produced to find out people’s view (appendix 1) and we have incorporated the views of 35 individuals with a sensory or communication disability collected from eight engagement events and presentations. They gained cooperation from five organisations who support relevant service users, distributing and promoting the survey to their client group. The 15 Step Challenge at Peterborough City Hospital (PCH) incorporated the AIS for the
first time, following a request from Healthwatch Peterborough, using the Healthwatch England AIS toolkit.
The key findings included;
There was low levels of public awareness of the NHS Accessible Information Standard, and the benefits it provides service users with a sensory and/or learning disability.
People with a sensory and communication impairment were getting some level of accessible information support, but not everyone is getting this support and even those getting some support are not getting all the support they need.
The lowest level of provision was identified within GP practices. However the report highlights further research is required to confirm this finding.
The most popular resource needed was an advocate. However, their findings show this is mostly provided by family members or support workers, rather than through NHS providers.
People with a sensory and communication impairment highly value accessible information services when they are in place.
Telephone calls and emails to patients have improved communication to this group of service users regarding appointment dates/reminders.
Staff attitudes are positive but training should be offered to frontline NHS staff, to increase public awareness and take up of this service.
Communication between NHS providers could be better, to ensure service user requirements are captured and shared.
Healthwatch can use its statutory ‘Enter and View’ tool to ensure NHS providers are complying with AIS.
The report does not include recommendations.