Community Pharmacy Hot Topic Report
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Healthwatch Nottingham and Healthwatch Nottinghamshire explored public experiences with community pharmacies, focusing on accessibility, medicine shortages and perceptions of the Pharmacy First scheme. In addition, the survey also aimed to raise awareness of the new Pharmacy First initiative, which has the potential to enhance access to primary care. Among the 284 individuals who participated in the survey, almost all reported having used a community pharmacy within the past 12 months, underscoring the extensive reach and critical role of community pharmacies.
Most respondents find their pharmacy easy to access and value strong relationships with pharmacy staff. While dispensing needs of the majority are met, medicine shortages remain a significant issue affecting many patients.
Three out of four respondents found it easy or very easy to access their preferred pharmacy. Only five percent reported accessibility difficulties, often due to limited opening hours, long waiting times, operational issues causing delays or distance from home.
More than two in five respondents experienced medicine shortages, leading to repeated visits to pharmacies, excessive waiting times and associated stress. Patients shared concerns about the impact on their health and the additional workload for pharmacists and GPs.
While less than one in ten felt their needs were not fully addressed, vulnerable groups are disproportionately affected. Issues included misalignment between prescription quantities and manufacturer packaging, difficulties in managing repeat prescriptions of multiple medicines and insufficient awareness of available adjustments.
A quarter of those who pay for their prescriptions reported affordability issues, such as delaying or forgoing medications, which underscores the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on medication access and uptake
While 40% were aware of the scheme, feedback was mixed. Some found the service helpful, citing easy access and reduced GP visits; others reported challenges, including limited scope, unclear eligibility criteria and a lack of confidence in pharmacists’ diagnostic abilities.