Same Day Health Centre
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Healthwatch Doncaster visited the Same Day Health Centre on 4 June 2024 to gather feedback on people’s experience of the service. Data were collected via a Healthwatch Doncaster feedback form. The number of people who provided feedback was not reported.
Most respondents were seen by the clinic within 3 hours of their initial phone call. A majority of people also reported being repeat users of the service all recalled previous positive experiences. During the visit, Healthwatch Doncaster observed one person had an issue stemming from poor communication.
The report included eight recommendations: improve the car parking arrangements; make home visits available to those who need them; improve access to patient’s local GP; improve communication between call handler and patient so the patient is aware of all appointment types and health professionals available; provide free car parking for attendees; ensure patients are aware of alternative provisions including Pharmacy First and Enhanced Access appointments at their local GP practice’s; provide additional seating to accommodate variety of patient needs; and add dementia signs for better navigation and dementia clocks to further support neurodiverse patients.