Poll results: Cancer Screening 2024
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This is a summary report by Healthwatch Brighton & Hove, Healthwatch East Sussex, and Healthwatch West Sussex. The report summarises polling done on cancer screening in 2024.
Key findings
171 people from across Sussex shared their views with us. We heard:
• 62.6% respondents rated their experience of cancer screening as Excellent/Good, 8.2% as Average, and 3.0% as Poor/Very Poor.
• Easier to access locations or support with travel (14.0%), More flexible appointment times (11.7%), and Being sent a reminder (11.1%) were most identified as making it easier to attend or participate in cancer screening.
• 70.2% Agree/Strongly Agree the benefits of cancer screening were clearly communicated and 67.3% that results were easy to understand.
• 19.3% Disagree/Strongly Disagree they knew who would perform screening prior to attendance and 9.3% their additional needs were considered.
People wanted the following:
- Continuation of positive good practice
- Easier to access locations or support with travel
- Improved adaptations and support
- Greater flexibility in setting appointments
- Reminders to support those who need to request screening
- Greater personalisation and empathy from staff
- Continuation of screening beyond current age boundaries
There are no recommendations in this report.
There are no follow up actions in this report.