Enter and view: Healthy Hounslow Stop Smoking Service
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Healthwatch Hounslow visited the Healthy Hounslow Stop Smoking Service on 20th August 2024 to assess what is working well and identify areas for improvement. During the visit, Healthwatch Hounslow spoke with seven clients and one smoking advisor.
The report covers: appointments (scheduling and communication); appointments (options); information, advertising and promotion; communication; access; peer support; additional considerations. Seventeen recommendations were made by Healthwatch Hounslow: reviewing appointment scheduling practices; improving appointment communications; providing clear information in advance, about the service scheduling; reviewing the current appointment options available; increasing advertising and promotion of Healthy Hounslow; providing advisors (and clients) with clear documentation, which clarifies both the 6-week and 12-week programme pathways; providing clients with reminders about the program and the rewards on offer; better advertising/promotion of the counselling support element of the service; reviewing the client confirmation process; reviewing the current communication options; reviewing the current processes and procedures for regular client engagement; considering the interpretation services available; collaborating with local shelters or community centres; annual reviews of borough wide smoking population data; clarifying internally how they manage client requests/preferences; considering options for extending the support club offer; increasing professional engagement opportunities between staff from different Healthy Hounslow services to improve overall collaboration and enable effective signposting.
Following the visit, Healthy Hounslow Stop Smoking Service have: incorporated a buffer in their scheduling to account for consultations running over time; included 48-hour advances reminders; expanded operational hours; hired two new advisors; appointed a new Marketing Officer; reminded administrative teams to introduce the BetterPoints program during the initial referral stage; encouraged the importance of the client staying in regular communication with their smoking advisor from initial assessment; developed translations of Smoking Cessation flyers; explored the possibility of establishing a motivational support club for clients to share their stories and offer peer support.