Your experience of the COVID-19 vaccination programme
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In March 2021, Healthwatch Sunderland and Healthwatch South Tyneside launched a survey to gather people’s general experiences of using their local COVID-19 vaccination programme. This report covers those respondents who had used a Sunderland based vaccine centre between the 1st May to 30th June 2021. 136 surveys were received. The purpose of this report is to share the findings with key NHS providers and commissioners, to help them identify what is working well and highlight those areas that need to be improved.
The survey was based on seven main sections. The main findings under each of the sections are as follows.
- The majority of respondents received the invitation for their first and second vaccine appointment via a text message.
- The vast majority of respondents found booking both their first and second vaccine either very easy or fairly easy. Those who rated it as difficult commented on difficulties with the online booking system or availability of suitable appointments.
- The majority respondents found getting to the venue for their vaccine either very easy or fairly easy as it was a venue familiar to them or it was easy to access by car or public transport.
- The vast majority of people felt safe in the venue whilst receiving their vaccine, received a vaccination card after their first and second vaccine, were informed of potential side effects and informed of which vaccine they were receiving.
- The majority received an information leaflet to take away with them and found the information contained either helpful or fairly helpful. Some did comment that the leaflet received didn’t contain all the information they would have liked.
- Overall, the majority informed that after receiving their first vaccine that they were still unaware of when their second vaccine appointment would be. However, the majority of these patients were aware of what would happen when it was time for their second vaccine.
- When asked to feedback on their overall experience of receiving their vaccine, the majority of respondents were very positive about their experience. Many complimented the staff and volunteers involved and the planning and organising of the process. Of those few people who gave negative comments, in the main these related to lack of social distancing at venues and the online appointment booking system.