Enter and view: Littleton Lodge
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Healthwatch Staffordshire undertook an enter and view visit to Littleton Lodge on 19 August 2024.
Littleton Lodge is a relatively new well -designed home that offers a high standard physical environment with a good quality of provision in terms of comfort, furnishings, individual resident’s rooms and well-equipped communal areas. The standard of personal care is regarded very positively by permanent staff but more mixed by agency staff. There is a significant reliance on agency staff to make up the shortfall of permanent staff but his reflects the national picture of recruitment and retention of staff. There is a recruitment drive underway to fill the gaps and it would be interesting to follow up on the success or otherwise of this initiative and the impact upon the views of residents and staff. The quality of food and activities is well regarded, and residents really appreciate these.
There was one recommendation about staff recruitment and retention.