Quarter 2 report: July - September 2024
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Healthwatch Hull report on the activities they undertook in Q2 2024/25.
Throughout Quarter 2, Healthwatch Hull have focussed on embedding ourselves in many more groups, forums and committees to ensure that all intelligence, communication and reports reach as many recipients as possible. This has included ICB forums, VCSE forums and Local Authority meetings.
They have continued to focus on our Healthwatch Hub provision within secondary schools, colleges and Hull University as well as local groups for young people during the summer break. Healthwatch Hull attended Freshers week events at both Hull College and Hull University this quarter.
Their Adult Social Care project officer has focused on engagement work to listen to resident’s experiences as well as speaking to family members and friends of residents and staff members.
Two Enter and View visits have been carried out during quarter 2, with another two visits already booked for quarter 3.
Their Secondary Care and Mental Health project officer has been making regular visits to departments within Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital to listen to patient’s experiences.
Work has been undertaken to build relationships with mental health services within the city and Healthwatch are now making regular visits to mental health inpatient units to listen to the experiences of patients.
In Primary Care they have continued to engage with GP practices to understand patient’s experiences.