Insight Bulletin December 2024
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Healthwatch Surrey report on key themes in the insight they received in 2024. During this period, they heard from 4,741 people.
In January they heard that January is a notoriously busy and difficult time for the health service, but residents praised the way in which they were treated with compassion and dignity in both primary and secondary care.
In February, people shared positive stories about maternity services and community pharmacy in February, the latter being particularly appreciated for their proactive approach.
In March, the speed and efficiency of referrals between primary and secondary can have a big impact on patients, at what can be a particularly stressful time.
People talked about the important role which clear communication played in their experience in April.
In May they heard about the important role that non-clinical members of the healthcare team can play.
In June, they heard praise for urgent and emergency services.
Feedback is an essential tool for helping health and social care services to improve. But do people know why and how to feedback? Healthwatch Surrey were pleased to hear positive stories on that in July.
In August, GPs were praised when they are seen to be responding to individual needs.
In September, people talked to Healthwatch about the specific individuals who have had an impact on them during their care and treatment journey, and what a difference they made to their experience.
In October, they heard about the need for people to be able to use non-digital ways to access healthcare services.
In November, they heard praise about services and individuals when they’re seen to be proactive, helping people to navigate what is an undeniably complex system.
In December people shared when they feel individuals have shown additional compassion and understanding of their wider life situation.