Access to NHS dentistry 2024 - findings
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Healthwatch England's new research provides the first ever evidence on patients’ awareness of how NHS dentistry system works and what kind of dental service they want for the future.
It also provides the latest data on people's experiences of and access to NHS dentistry.
It aims to offer independent feedback on impact of (the previous government’s) 'Dental Recovery Plan’ on access to NHS dentistry and inform the new government’s ‘Dental Rescue Plan’.
Healthwatch England commissioned two nationally representative polls from Savanta:
1- 3 March, 2024: 1,942 adults (people aged 18 or over) living in England
13-15 September, 2024: 1,791 adults (people aged over 18) living in England
Key questions asked included
When did you last attend an NHS dental appointment?
If seen in last two years, experience of access, information, care from the individual dentist, NHS dental charges and access for any children.
If not seen in last two years, reasons why, what you did next, and impact on you.
Your understanding of dental ‘registration’
Your preferred future model for accessing routine NHS dental care.