Liverpool University Dental Hospital listening event report
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Healthwatch Liverpool undertook a listening event at Liverpool University Dental Hospital on 16 January 2024. They spoke to 35 people.
Over half (58%) had been referred by their NHS dentist. 11% had volunteered to be treated by students – with half of these saying this was because they couldn’t get an appointment with their own dentist, and the other half saying it was because they couldn’t find an NHS dentist at all.
All but one person was there for planned treatment. Four in five had attended the hospital previously. Around one in five had been seen within a month of referral.
Fourteen people had factors which impacted on their oral health, particularly cancer treatment.
Fourteen percent of people had additional support needs.
Two thirds were clear about their treatment plan. Over half the respondents (57%) said they were confident about who to ask if they had any questions or were unsure about their treatment plans, but 17% were not clear or unsure.
Generally people were very positive about the staff.