Experiences of health and care in Trafford during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic

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Summary of report content

Healthwatch Trafford undertook research about local people’s experiences of accessing health and care services, as well as the wider impact of COVID-19 on their lives. They undertook a survey to which 246 people responded. They also undertook focus groups with 12 members of the public and 29 community group workers or professionals.

A significant number had tried to access services during the pandemic.  The main reason people gave for not accessing it was the feeling that it was unnecessary. GPs, hospital outpatients, and dentists were the most commented on services.

GPs’ use of telephone and video was welcomed as an effective way to continue services.  People were concerned that hospital outpatient services and dentists were closed.  They were unsure when they would reopen.

GP surgeries, television, social media, the internet, friends and family, and Trafford Council were the top ways of accessing information.  Clear communication was felt to be the most important way that information could be improved.

There were a variety of effects on mental health; while the majority felt it had become slightly worse there were a significant number that felt unaffected. The reasons for mental health changes were complex with a mix of changes to social life, work, confinement, shielding, and family being together all the time playing a part.

Some people had a positive experience during lockdown, but overall a lot of turmoil had been created, especially around family life and access to support services. Food access was also a significant concern for many at the early stages of the pandemic.

There were 5 recommendations about improving information, reaching people, service response and mental health.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Trafford
Publication date
Date evidence capture began
Date evidence capture finished
Type of report
Key themes
Communication with patients; treatment explanation; verbal advice
Remote appointments and digital services
Health inequality
Lifestyle and wellbeing; wider determinants of health
Written information, guidance and publicity
Service organisation, delivery, change and closure

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Primary research method used
Focus group

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
General Practice (GP)
General outpatients and hospital-based consultants
Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and specialist MH services

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
16 to 17 years
18 to 24 years
25 to 49 years
65 to 79 years
Sexual orientation
Not known
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