Community Health & Care Survey Report
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Healthwatch Isles of Scilly report on the results of their biennial survey of residents' experience of health and social care on the islands. A total of 264 surveys were completed, giving a response rate of 15%.
The findings show that the health and care provision across the islands generally varies between good and very good. ‘Fortunate’ or ‘lucky’ were terms respondents frequently used to describe their view of the services and highlighting the hard work and commitment of those responsible for providing them.
Although most were well regarded, there are some services that the report indicates would benefit from improvements to their delivery. Access, availability and communication were issues raised, with people not aware of how to contact services.
In relation to individual services:
The overall rating of St Marys' Health Centre had increased by 6% from two years ago. The health centre had a website that provides a wealth of information and access to a number of services. People highlighted the lack of the continuity of GP’s.
Over four in five people didn't know how to access the social prescribing service.
Two thirds of people didn't know how to access the adult mental health service
Whilst nearly three quarters said they needed to see an optician in the last two years, only three in ten were seen on the Islands.
There were largely positive comments about the local pharmacy service and the local dentists.
Most people rated services at the local community hospital as good or very good. The main issue of concern was long waits for x-rays.
Ratings for outpatient and inpatient care at the local hospital and hospitals on the mainland were very positive. The main cause for concern was patients being given appointments on a Monday morning before 11am, as there is no early morning travel to the mainland or any travel on a Sunday.
There were only a few respondents to questions about children's services, but those that did respond wanted more support for families.
Seven out of ten comments on adult social care were positive. The only area that didn't rate highly was services and support for carers.
There was a 30% increase in the number of positive comments about patient transport services in this survey compared to 2022. Patients said that the promptness of booking a medical flight is important to them, especially when having to make additional travel and accommodation plans.
The Buzza bus service was rated very highly.
Most people who responded to the question on health visitor services rated them as good or very good.
People who lived on the off-islands (those other than St Marys) had good experiences of health and care, but had concerns about the availability and cost of off-island transport meant they couldn't always access healthcare on St Marys. They also wanted greater access to services locally.
Healthwatch Isles of Scilly will continue to work with service providers to support them with the challenges faced within health and social care and living on the islands.