Young people's experiences of health and social care
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Healthwatch Milton Keynes worked with schools to collect feedback from young people about how their health and social care services are designed and delivered. Between September 2019 and January 2020, Healthwatch Milton Keynes engaged with a total of 604 young people between the ages of 10 and 21 using surveys and engagement events.
The report found that young people are experiences a lot of academic pressure to do well alongside pressure about their own self-image, often exacerbated on social media. These factors have led to young people feeling the impact on their mental wellbeing. Young people reported that they feel misunderstood by health professionals and that they are worried about confidentiality when they talk to health professionals.
Healthwatch Milton Keynes have suggested a number of ways that could improve young people's experiences of services and their mental wellbeing, such as providing relaxation rooms, and promoting top tips for communication with staff and patients.