Autism services for children and young people - findings from the Healthwatch network

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Summary of report content

Since 2014, 33 local Healthwatch across the country have spoken to over 1,000 people to understand their experiences of using autism services and what improvements can be made. The four most common issues that people have told local Healthwatch they want to see improve include: 

1. Understanding and knowledge

Some GP surgeries and schools found it difficult to spot the signs of autism consistently, suggesting the need for more awareness training. This would help improve the referral process for diagnosis. 

Parent carers felt that doctors did not listen to them when they said their child was experiencing problems. 

People said some GPs did not have a clear understanding of how the referral process works. 

2. Waiting times 

Waiting times for young people to get an appointment for a diagnosis assessment could vary between 10 weeks and more than three years. This means they are often left without the right help, as support is only available after a diagnosis. 

Long waiting times could cover a significant proportion of a child’s school years and overlap the important transition from primary to secondary education. 

When people did get an appointment, the environment in waiting rooms for health and care services could be stressful. More work needs to be done to make waiting rooms autism friendly. 

3. Support for parent carers 

Parent carers felt they are not being offered the right support and information from the beginning. 

Families said they don’t know where to seek help in a crisis. 

4. Communication and coordination 

Parent carers found that there was limited communication between health and social care services.

Some parent carers felt that appointments were not productive as they were often asked to repeat their child’s patient history. This meant that there was less time spent discussing their child’s diagnosis or treatment. 

Families need clearer information about local support groups and social care services available to them, and how to help young people prepare for the transition to adult services

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch England
Publication date
Date evidence capture began
Date evidence capture finished
Key themes
Consent, choice, user involvement and being listened to
Follow-on treatment and continuity of care
Integration of services and communication between professionals
Service organisation, delivery, change and closure
Waiting for appointments or treatment; waiting lists for treatment

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Primary research method used
General feedback
If an Enter and View methodology was applied, was the visit announced or unannounced?

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
General Practice (GP)
Services for people with Autism/on the Autism spectrum

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
0 to 12 years
13 to 15 years
16 to 17 years
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