People at the heart of choosing their own care provider
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Healthwatch Blackpool carried out a project to gather the views of twelve service users of the On-Site Extra Care Service in Blackpool. This work was undertaken as the service commissioner (Blackpool Council) wanted to involve the service users in the recommissioning tender selection process - a process that was usually inaccessible to service users.
Healthwatch Blackpool worked with the service users to gather information about their likes, dislikes and their care and support needs, and provide information to them about the potential service provider options. Healthwatch Blackpool reported common likes and dislikes expressed by service users, as well as common questions they asked.
Healthwatch Blackpool also captured service users views on the process of being involved in selecting their new care provider. Healthwatch Blackpool's involvement in this process was highlighted as a positive aspect of the process by the majority of service users. Some service user's family members also commented that Healthwatch Blackpool's involvement was positive and helped the process run smoothly. The report also features a response from the Commissioner.