How your stories have helped to improve services – December 2023
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Healthwatch Brighton and Hove report on how feedback they collected has helped to improve services between April and December 2023. During this time, they heard from nearly 300 people.
• They received nearly 300 enquiries to their helpline (phone calls, feedback through our website and emails). The majority of people were raising a concern or complaint about a service but people also sought advice and guidance about health and social care services.
• They spoke with 50 people at the Brunswick Festival (August 19th 2023), explaining more about what they do, and hearing about people’s ‘burning issues’.
• 13 people attended their Ageing Well event and shared their experiences of using services.
• They spoke to 11 people about maternity services, interviewed 45 about dementia services and 127 people about Direct Payments.
• They heard from over 40 people at an event exploring Patient Participation Groups.
• They have interviewed people about their experiences of pharmacy services, maternity, and the Lousia Martindale Building.
• They have spoken to over 100 people about the home care they receive.
• They were invited to attend and present at the Older Peoples’ Council and local Osteoporosis Meeting.