Winter January 2024 briefing

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Summary of report content

This is a summary report by Healthwatch Bradford, Healthwatch Leeds, Healthwatch Calderdale, Healthwatch Kirklees. It looks at winter findings.

There are a number of key findings and recommendations made:

1. Communication

There is a need to promote key messages within communities, providing everyone with information, even when people do not have access to, or do not regularly access, services. These key messages need to be communicated regularly and clearly in a way that everyone can understand. 

2. Access

People need to know where, when and how they can access information and support to manage their health, particularly during the winter months. Systems that allow people to access support appropriately must be in place, with options of how to engage (online, face-to-face, phone, venue choice).

3. Cost of living

Consider how to ensure that everyone can access information and advice to help manage the cost of living and the impact this can have. Promote services that can help. There is a need to consider cost implications when prescribing medication or for people to access healthcare appointments. 

4. Loneliness

Increase contact (where possible) with those who are vulnerable during winter and allow time to signpost people to services that can provide appropriate support. 

5. Mental health

There should be clear accessible information about what support is available and how to access that support. The information should be provided in a format that meets the needs of the individual. Services should be working with people to help plan for periods like winter, when weather, isolation and other factors may have greater negative impact on mental health. 

6. Hospital discharge

People and their family/carers must play a meaningful part in decisions made about care and discharge. Effective discharge plans should be in place prior to discharge, with consideration given to individual needs and support needed to be in place at home. 

7. Carers

Everyone has a role in identifying and supporting unpaid carers, and easy and efficient access to health and care services should be provided. Carers need practical support and continuing, reliable services.

There are no follow up actions in this report. However it is intended as a summary of work being done over the West Yorkshire area.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Bradford
Healthwatch Leeds
Healthwatch Wakefield
Healthwatch Calderdale
Healthwatch Kirklees
Publication date
Date evidence capture began
Date evidence capture finished
Key themes
Access to services
Booking appointments
Communication with patients; treatment explanation; verbal advice
Patient/resident safety
Service organisation, delivery, change and closure
Staffing - levels and training

Methodology and approach

Primary research method used
General feedback

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
General Practice (GP)
Hospital services- not stated
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